Auntie Laura here and I'm happy to bring you three stories from some ex-residents who have found their forever homes.
Firstly, Wilbur...
"Hello. You might remember me, my name is Wilbur. I'm a greyhound and only have 1 eye. That doesn't stop me causing trouble. I have dug the garden up which I find funny. The humans don't though.
Apart from that I'm good as gold, although I don't always come inside when I'm told. I love sun bathing. There is another little human in the family now and I love him loads. I give him lots of kisses but keep out of his way when he's playing with his toys as he likes to throw them. I'm very happy in my forever home and get lots of walks by the river. I'm so big I poo on people's garden walls as I think this makes it easier for my humans to pick up... :-)"
(Apologies if Wilbur's humans added pictures to his email, I couldn't find them. If you have some, send them through and I'll update)
Secondly, here comes Franklin...
"My name is Franklin, myself and my siblings were born at the Leeds RSPCA home and were moved to York to be found our forever home, my siblings were quickly snapped up and I was not only the runt of the litter, I sadly had hip problems that although ok now could mean I will ned lots of vet trips and meds when im older. I was taken swimming every week by my lovely carers at the home to insure my hips were as best they could be built up muscle.

Then one she came, she talked softly to me and seemed impressed with my wrinkly frown as I listened to her... But then she left, following week the lady turned up again and after more kind words I became excited unsure why but this lady was giving off the feeling of excitement! From then on it was a blur or visits from this lady her partner and a young girl and boy, they wanted me.... Me! By now I was 7 months old and it had to be my turn, house checks done, my new owners where made aware of my hip problems but they did not care!!! and after sad farewell to Mandy ( my mum I call her as she cared and showed me so much love at my time at the home, she works at the RSPCA but she loved me, she never made me feel it was just her job to care for me, ) as all the staff do.
So here I am! 2yrs on with my forever Mum and Dad ( who's side I never leave) and young Alex my playmate who sits in my bed with me every night while he reads.
They are all so proud of me as I am of them, I'm not the family pet..... I am Franklin and I'm part of my family,..... my forever family"
And finally, the lovely Drake...
Hi, it’s me, Drake! I was a dog who had spent over 2 years in the wonderful care of the RSPCA until I found my humans who took me home at the start of March this year.
I didn’t really have any problems settling into life in a real house, so much so that my humans think I must have lived in a house before I went to the RSPCA. The weather was quite cold when I first moved in, but luckily we have a lovely cosy fire to snuggle in front of once we’ve got back from our adventures. Here I am in front of MY fire:
I had loads of great time with Scott (Dad) when I first moved in because he had a broken leg and had to work from home, but Ellie kept me well supplied with walks, helping me explore my new surroundings. Although the RSPCA said I wasn’t very friendly with other dogs, I’ve really started to feel secure that my humans will keep me safe, so when I meet new dogs I tend to have a good sniff and let them sniff me. There are a few dogs nearby who I really want to be friends with, it’s just taking a bit more time for me to get used to them and hopefully soon I can play with them sometimes. I was most proud when I finally got taken to the pub after I’ve been to see Scott coaching the children playing cricket. I love all the fusses I get from the people at the cricket, but I get a bit annoyed when they don’t let me play with the balls! I met a lovely dog called Poppy who was calm – I hope I can see her again!
I love my new garden as its so big and Scott has given me one of his old climbing ropes so I can have a long lead in the garden and I can explore every inch without wandering off. We have even dug up some of the garden so that we can grow veggies, there are things sprouting through the ground already and I’m very eager to try them but Ellie keeps telling me off for walking over them.
My favourite place in the house is the sofa, where I spend lots of the day snoozing. My humans wake me up too early and make me go outside before they head off to work for the day. I get to have a little sleep before my other new friend, Sue, comes to play. She takes me for a lovely walk during the day and wears me other before Scott and Ellie get home in the evening. I’ve been trying to chase rabbits but know now that I’m not allowed.
Outside my house is brilliant with lots of green space and we’ve been practising my recall on a big long rope, I’m getting really good! I’ve met some big horses who I wasn;t so sure about to start with but not too long ago they were following me and getting VERY close and I just ignored them!
Here are a few more pictures of me looking happy and content in my new home, I can wait till Ellie is off in the summer … she says we are all going to Wales and I might even get to go in the sea!
So if you’re reading this because you are thinking about letting a York RSPCA resident adopt you – please do it, it’ll be the best decision you ever make and they will provide you with tonnes of smiles and happy memories and I’ve never regretted my move and the humans I chose.
Here are a few more pictures to make you smile …just think, you could have this much fun too, only with your dog, not me. I’m happy right here!
It is fantastic to see pictures and hear from all our ex-residents. We spend every day of the year caring for, rehabilitating and falling in love with them all. We know their quirks, their likes and dislikes and whilst it is always bittersweet to see them leave, it is even better to see them settled on their forever sofas, having their holidays and being part of their forever families.