It's fantastic for us to bring you all our residents stories and the good news of rehoming when it happens but we also love to hear about all the former residents and stories from their forever homes.
Whilst we do receive plenty of photographs at the animal home email address and it's great to see them, why not go a step further and show/tell the world the amazing and wonderful stories of the new lives and opportunities our ex residents have been given. It also means that if they are online, we can archive the stories and always see them instead of stories on paper in the staff room eventually getting moved to make way for other stories.
I'm not completely sure how often we'll publish this feature each month, it will depend upon the number of stories we get sent through.
If you would like to tell us and our followers a little about the lovely furbaby you've adopted and stories about their life in your family, please email us at
Please ensure you include the name of your animal (including their original name if you changed it) and roughly when you adopted them. Feel free to include as many photographs and stories as you like but please note, not all may be used depending upon blog space. We will however endeavour to publish everyone's stories as soon as is possible alongside the resident blogs.
Thanks and we look forward to hearing all about our ex residents and what they've been getting up to since leaving us.
Auntie Laura
do something special

Saturday, 31 May 2014
Friday, 30 May 2014
Bliss's blog
Hellooo my name is Bliss, nice to meet you!
I'm only a youngster so I have lots of energy to burn. I LOVE long walks by the river. Though my Auntie kept stopping me to take pictures to the other day.
She said I need to show off how beautiful I am...
I get to meet so many new friends down there...
...there's this lovely pooch above, a chocolate lab, a boxer, some staffies... the list goes on and on! I just love all the pooches I meet. It's so much fun to play and roll around in the grass showing them my belly. Much better than being in my kennel. I don't like it in there, it's kind of lonely.
Since I'm not very happy in my kennel, I get to spend lots of time in reception. I greet everyone with a bounce and a smile, even a kiss if I can reach.
It's lots of fun being with the humans, you're never lonely with a human around. I wonder if I could have my very own human? We could play together, go for lots of walks and make new friends. Curl up on an evening and enjoy the simple things in life.
I'm told I can live with children over the age of 8 which would be so much fun. I could tire them out for you.
My Aunties say I'm the perfect package so why not come and meet me? I'm usually in reception and I'll even give you a smooch x
Auntie Laura:- Bliss isn't very happy in kennels and there are only so many hours in the day where she can be our wonderful receptionist. We are desperate to find this gorgeous girl a loving home where she can play til her hearts content and learn what it truely means to be a family with a home to call her own. If you think Bliss could be the one to complete your family, come and see us. You may just fall in love, we already have!
I'm only a youngster so I have lots of energy to burn. I LOVE long walks by the river. Though my Auntie kept stopping me to take pictures to the other day.
She said I need to show off how beautiful I am...
I get to meet so many new friends down there...
...there's this lovely pooch above, a chocolate lab, a boxer, some staffies... the list goes on and on! I just love all the pooches I meet. It's so much fun to play and roll around in the grass showing them my belly. Much better than being in my kennel. I don't like it in there, it's kind of lonely.
Since I'm not very happy in my kennel, I get to spend lots of time in reception. I greet everyone with a bounce and a smile, even a kiss if I can reach.
It's lots of fun being with the humans, you're never lonely with a human around. I wonder if I could have my very own human? We could play together, go for lots of walks and make new friends. Curl up on an evening and enjoy the simple things in life.
I'm told I can live with children over the age of 8 which would be so much fun. I could tire them out for you.
My Aunties say I'm the perfect package so why not come and meet me? I'm usually in reception and I'll even give you a smooch x
Auntie Laura:- Bliss isn't very happy in kennels and there are only so many hours in the day where she can be our wonderful receptionist. We are desperate to find this gorgeous girl a loving home where she can play til her hearts content and learn what it truely means to be a family with a home to call her own. If you think Bliss could be the one to complete your family, come and see us. You may just fall in love, we already have!
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Sidney's blog
Umm...Hi...I'm Sidney...
...I'm rather shy. I tried to get Auntie Laura to write my blog for me but she told me I should do it myself as I need to face my fears....
It's a little scary out here but I'm getting braver.
You can't see from my picture but I had to have a drastic haircut when I came here. I was all matted and it wasn't comfortable at all. Didn't help with my confidence being almost bald but my Aunties tell me I'll be a very handsome boy when it all grows back since I'm already a handsome lad...I don't know about that...
I used to hide all day in my igloo or voyager but I've discovered that the shelf in my back run is safe and I can see the birds from there. And you can see me through the window if I sit there. My Aunties say I should sit there more often so people can see how handsome I am.
There are some lovely ladies too who come and sit with me in the afternoons. They aren't so scary now I know them. It's quite pleasant to spend time with the humans I know.
...I think I should like my own home now I'm getting braver. It's a scary world but if you have a garden I could sit and potter about in, I should think I would be quite happy.
Please don't be offended if at first I run away from you, new people still scare me a little but if you are patient, I would like to get to know you and be your forever cat.
...I'm rather shy. I tried to get Auntie Laura to write my blog for me but she told me I should do it myself as I need to face my fears....
It's a little scary out here but I'm getting braver.
You can't see from my picture but I had to have a drastic haircut when I came here. I was all matted and it wasn't comfortable at all. Didn't help with my confidence being almost bald but my Aunties tell me I'll be a very handsome boy when it all grows back since I'm already a handsome lad...I don't know about that...
I used to hide all day in my igloo or voyager but I've discovered that the shelf in my back run is safe and I can see the birds from there. And you can see me through the window if I sit there. My Aunties say I should sit there more often so people can see how handsome I am.
There are some lovely ladies too who come and sit with me in the afternoons. They aren't so scary now I know them. It's quite pleasant to spend time with the humans I know.
...I think I should like my own home now I'm getting braver. It's a scary world but if you have a garden I could sit and potter about in, I should think I would be quite happy.
Please don't be offended if at first I run away from you, new people still scare me a little but if you are patient, I would like to get to know you and be your forever cat.
Sunday, 25 May 2014
Good news
Hi, Auntie Laura here. I thought you guys would love to know about our residents who have gone to their forever homes over the past couple of weeks.
Dasher went off to her forever home today after waiting so very long. She was one of a litter who have grown up at the centre and has never known a real home so it is fantastic for us to finally say Dasher has left the building =D
Ted came to us from another centre after being overlooking constantly because of his size. But after a little time with us, he has found his forever family!
Kevin was another who was being overlooked because of his size and breed. But he has found his forever home and has left to start the new life he deserves.
Buster, left for his new home yesterday to enjoy the life of luxury
Our lovely boy Skippy came in via the inspectors after his needs, along with those of his siblings and mum's needs were not being met. His siblings, Roo and Joey and mum, Sasha were all adopted weeks ago but still Skippy had no interest. Until now. He went to his new forever home today and we couldn't be happier.
Kitten season is here and the litters are coming in thick and fast but our first little one has left to grow up in a home just as they should.
The very fluffy and sweet Cookie left for his new home a couple of weeks ago.
Beautiful youngster Sookie went home on friday to live with another dog so I'm sure she will have worn herself out by now and will be snoozing happily.
Claire came in with her litter of pups and after looking after them exceptionally well, it is now her turn to be looked after and spoiled.
Happy boy Hugo has gone to live the sofa lifestyle.
Jake has found his forever retirement home
Suki and Cassidy have gone to live together with another cat and dog. Cassidy was one of our long stay cats so we are even happier that he has found such a lovely family for himself.
Lovely felix found his forever home a couple of weeks ago.
And finally, Sammy and Oliver who brought you their blog recently have found their forever home with Auntie Geraldine.
It's so great for us, as the ones who look after these guys, to see them go off into the sunset to wonderful families and forever homes. It's exactly why we do this job every day to see them thrive in our care and then find their happy endings =D
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Travis's blog
The name's Travvy! Nice to meet you. Just so you know, I can be a little wary of new folk until I know you are cool then we can be good friends. I give great hugs!
Now you may have heard of me - I'm pretty famous around here. I've had my very own photo shoot with Auntie Laura so I could be in a dog magazine and hopefully get myself a family. I was in the York Press too with Auntie Niki and Fran so that makes me a celebrity, right?
Check out my video too...
I try not to get too excited about it all, don't want to annoy grandma Lottie next door. She already thinks I'm spoilt. I bet she's already told you about my awesome toy mountain. My Aunties and Uncles pile them up in the corner every morning and evening, just so I can pick my favourites out all day long. I have ALOT of favourites too so the mountain doesn't last long.
If you have a garden, can I come and play in it? I love to blast around to burn off all my energy. It's so much fun to bound about, I even do it on the lead sometimes. It's kind of like my party trick, all four paws off the floor at once. I should be in the book of records!
As I'm a little bouncy, I'd like an older family as I'd hate to knock over any little ones when I'm playing in your garden.
I love to get out of the kennels and go for walks with some of my four legged friends and my two legged friends too of course.
This is me and my friend Dasher having fun in the park...
Fancy giving me a place to chill out and relax? Somewhere to store my toy mountain? If so, why not come down and see me. Don't be worried if I bark when I'm in my kennel, I get a tad scared but if you let the lovely ladies at reception know you want to meet me, I'll be jumping for joy all the way to see you!
Check out my video too...
I try not to get too excited about it all, don't want to annoy grandma Lottie next door. She already thinks I'm spoilt. I bet she's already told you about my awesome toy mountain. My Aunties and Uncles pile them up in the corner every morning and evening, just so I can pick my favourites out all day long. I have ALOT of favourites too so the mountain doesn't last long.
If you have a garden, can I come and play in it? I love to blast around to burn off all my energy. It's so much fun to bound about, I even do it on the lead sometimes. It's kind of like my party trick, all four paws off the floor at once. I should be in the book of records!
As I'm a little bouncy, I'd like an older family as I'd hate to knock over any little ones when I'm playing in your garden.
I love to get out of the kennels and go for walks with some of my four legged friends and my two legged friends too of course.
This is me and my friend Dasher having fun in the park...
Saturday, 17 May 2014
Marshmallow and Mayo's blog
Hi there,
I'm Mayo and this is Marshmallow.
Our Auntie Helen said we needed to get our own blog so here we are letting you know a little about us.
We came to live at the animal home when we were just little kits at 11 weeks old. We did have an owner but our mother passed away when we were 4 weeks old. We had two sisters aswell so all four of us needed hand-rearing and sadly our owner just couldn't manage to give all of us the huge amount of time needed for us to survive.
The heartache seemed to never end as our sisters both passed away after becoming very poorly. It's been a pretty rubbish start for us and Marshmallow became quite ill too but Auntie Helen worked her magic and I got my brother back. He's a little smaller than me but otherwise, we are both fine and dandy.
We love to laze around on the cushions...
I'm Mayo and this is Marshmallow.
Our Auntie Helen said we needed to get our own blog so here we are letting you know a little about us.
We came to live at the animal home when we were just little kits at 11 weeks old. We did have an owner but our mother passed away when we were 4 weeks old. We had two sisters aswell so all four of us needed hand-rearing and sadly our owner just couldn't manage to give all of us the huge amount of time needed for us to survive.
The heartache seemed to never end as our sisters both passed away after becoming very poorly. It's been a pretty rubbish start for us and Marshmallow became quite ill too but Auntie Helen worked her magic and I got my brother back. He's a little smaller than me but otherwise, we are both fine and dandy.
We love to laze around on the cushions...
...and cuddle up together on an evening. It's fantastic to have some company! We LOVE our food too. Our Aunties give us our pellets in treat balls so we have to work for our food...apparently it's to stop us getting a little chunky since we can be pretty lazy otherwise hehe! We do get some yummy veggies on an evening and Marshmallow is always there first to check it out. I think he thinks I'll eat it all if he doesn't get there first.
We'd love to have a family to call our own and are quite happy to live with children. We don't mind being picked up but do prefer to have all four paws on the ground so we can binky around. We've waited so long and although we are ever so grateful to our Aunties here, we would like our own private home and some humans to love.
Why not visit us? We'd love to see you :)
Sunday, 11 May 2014
Rabbit Awareness Week
Hi there, I'm Laila and my mum, Auntie Laura to those at the animal home, asked me to let you know a few things about us furry bunnies since it is Rabbit Awareness Week.
A little about me...I was rescued from a home where I was living with another rabbit in a hutch outside that was too small for the both of us. We were both hormonal and well, tempers flare in a confined space. It wasn't my owners fault, they just didn't know much about caring for rabbits and the breeder they bought us from had given them false information. We were apparently from the same litter and would live fine together but do I look like a Netherland Dwarf to you...
I've turned out to be a pretty big bun compared to my hutch mate and we just weren't getting along. My owners couldn't afford to have us neutered or have the space to keep us separate so my mum came to the rescue and took me to my very own home. I now live a life of enormous luxury as a housebunny. I have a cage in the living room with lots and lots of hay for me to eat and snuggle up in, a litter tray and a constant supply of fresh water. But it doesn't stop there, I have free run of the downstairs as I've not worked out how to do stairs, they look scary!
My dad had a delivery the other week and now I have a giant box that I can gnaw on, run about in and play hide and seek in when mum is trying to find me to groom me. I'm not a fan of being groomed, I quite like my breechers. Though being a longish haired bun, I do have to put up with it sometimes otherwise I would look all scruffy and since I'm a lady, we can't have that.
Now, food. I love food! I get a handful of some yummy Excel pellets and some fresh food. Not too much though because I'll get fat. I get a variety from chichory and celery to dandelion and green beans. I'm so spoilt, I even eat better than mum and dad sometimes especially when they forget to go shopping for freezer stuff. My mum has included a link to let you guys know what foods are safe for us to eat Just remember everything in moderation. Muesli isn't good for us as we just pick out all the yummy sugary bits, too much fruit isn't good for us and spring greens can lead to a build up in calcium which can cause bladder stones, they are nasty!
I had a bladder stone last year and had to have an operation to remove it. It wasn't fun and my mum had to nurse me back to full health as I didn't respond well after the anaesthetic. It wasn't cheap either but my mum had me insured so it was cheap as carrots.
Many owners don't bother to get their bunnies insured which is silly really because what happens when we get sick? Vet treatments don't come cheap and if you can't afford it, you either have to give us up to a rescue who will foot the bill or have us put to sleep. I think both options are frankly stupid when you could be paying a little every month which will mean you can keep your lovely bunny and keep them healthy and happy.
Back on the food front, if you let your bunny put on extra weight they may not be able to clean themselves properly which isn't good. If they get a dirty bum, in the warm weather flystrike is a risk and that is BAD! Make sure you check your bunny a regularly to make sure they are keeping themselves clean. Bigger buns sometimes need a little help. Check your bun when they have been running about outside to make sure no flys have laid eggs. Info on flystrike,111555/~category_id=MA_SMALL_ANIMALS If you have concerns that flystrike has happened to your rabbit, get them to a vet as a matter of urgency. We may not like the vets but we'll thank you for it afterwards.
We also need yearly vaccinations to protect us from some other yucky things. For all you need to know about the yucky stuff and how to protect us visit
Us rabbits were born to be sociable but I think they broke the mould with some of us. Most of the bunnies at York RSPCA live in pairs and love to snuggle up and frolic together but I personally prefer my own space. My mum did try getting me a friend called Alfie who was rescued as a stray.
He is rather cute but honestly I just prefer my own space and didn't want some demanding boyfriend stealing my food. He has since found himself a bachelor pad and is living it up as a house bunny too.
Now whilst I'm quite happy alone with my mum and dad for company, most rabbits would like a friend and are much happy together than alone so please consider getting your lonely bun a pal. Marshmallow and Mayo from York RSPCA will be bringing you a blog all about bonding and companionship. If things don't work out, don't worry, it may not be the right match or maybe they are a mould breaker bun like me. If you have a mould breaker, you need to make sure they have lots of things to do. Tunnels to run through, enrichment boxes to dig in, toys and maybe a hammock...
One last thing I wanted to tell you guys is, we can live a long time. We aren't like those easter chocolate bunnies that last five minutes once you unwrap them. We can live on average 8-12 years depending on our breed and size so unless you are willing to commit to a rabbit for 12 years, please let someone else take them home.
I'm almost 5 now and couldn't have had a better life so far, other than maybe having that hammock! And there is plenty of life in me yet. I have no doubt that I'll be spoilt until the end of my days.
Goodbye for now,
Lots of bunny love from Laila
A little about me...I was rescued from a home where I was living with another rabbit in a hutch outside that was too small for the both of us. We were both hormonal and well, tempers flare in a confined space. It wasn't my owners fault, they just didn't know much about caring for rabbits and the breeder they bought us from had given them false information. We were apparently from the same litter and would live fine together but do I look like a Netherland Dwarf to you...
I've turned out to be a pretty big bun compared to my hutch mate and we just weren't getting along. My owners couldn't afford to have us neutered or have the space to keep us separate so my mum came to the rescue and took me to my very own home. I now live a life of enormous luxury as a housebunny. I have a cage in the living room with lots and lots of hay for me to eat and snuggle up in, a litter tray and a constant supply of fresh water. But it doesn't stop there, I have free run of the downstairs as I've not worked out how to do stairs, they look scary!
My dad had a delivery the other week and now I have a giant box that I can gnaw on, run about in and play hide and seek in when mum is trying to find me to groom me. I'm not a fan of being groomed, I quite like my breechers. Though being a longish haired bun, I do have to put up with it sometimes otherwise I would look all scruffy and since I'm a lady, we can't have that.
Now, food. I love food! I get a handful of some yummy Excel pellets and some fresh food. Not too much though because I'll get fat. I get a variety from chichory and celery to dandelion and green beans. I'm so spoilt, I even eat better than mum and dad sometimes especially when they forget to go shopping for freezer stuff. My mum has included a link to let you guys know what foods are safe for us to eat Just remember everything in moderation. Muesli isn't good for us as we just pick out all the yummy sugary bits, too much fruit isn't good for us and spring greens can lead to a build up in calcium which can cause bladder stones, they are nasty!
I had a bladder stone last year and had to have an operation to remove it. It wasn't fun and my mum had to nurse me back to full health as I didn't respond well after the anaesthetic. It wasn't cheap either but my mum had me insured so it was cheap as carrots.
Many owners don't bother to get their bunnies insured which is silly really because what happens when we get sick? Vet treatments don't come cheap and if you can't afford it, you either have to give us up to a rescue who will foot the bill or have us put to sleep. I think both options are frankly stupid when you could be paying a little every month which will mean you can keep your lovely bunny and keep them healthy and happy.
Me enjoying a frolic in the snow |
We also need yearly vaccinations to protect us from some other yucky things. For all you need to know about the yucky stuff and how to protect us visit
Us rabbits were born to be sociable but I think they broke the mould with some of us. Most of the bunnies at York RSPCA live in pairs and love to snuggle up and frolic together but I personally prefer my own space. My mum did try getting me a friend called Alfie who was rescued as a stray.
He is rather cute but honestly I just prefer my own space and didn't want some demanding boyfriend stealing my food. He has since found himself a bachelor pad and is living it up as a house bunny too.
Now whilst I'm quite happy alone with my mum and dad for company, most rabbits would like a friend and are much happy together than alone so please consider getting your lonely bun a pal. Marshmallow and Mayo from York RSPCA will be bringing you a blog all about bonding and companionship. If things don't work out, don't worry, it may not be the right match or maybe they are a mould breaker bun like me. If you have a mould breaker, you need to make sure they have lots of things to do. Tunnels to run through, enrichment boxes to dig in, toys and maybe a hammock...
![]() |
Will someone tell mum to buy me one?! |
Goodbye for now,
Lots of bunny love from Laila
Saturday, 10 May 2014
Robert and Eddie's blog
Hi there,
I'm Robert
and I'm Eddie
We are brothers though you wouldn't think it to look at us. The handsome one is me, Eddie but I don't like to brag about it as I'm not a very confident chap. Robert is the more confident one so I prefer to let him to check things out before I have a nosey.
We are both very playful though. You know how you humans have a game called dizzy dollies? Well we play a little thing we like to call dizzy aunties. You run back and forth up the corridor as fast as you can and let Auntie Geraldine and Auntie Laura watch you until they are dizzy hehe! We are trying to let our neighbours know about the game. It's slow going but we are getting there, I saw Robbie trying it out just this morning.
During the afternoon, we like to cuddle up together in our bed and catch up on our beauty sleep after all that dashing around. Until food comes at least!
We love our food but then who wouldn't? We always get the good stuff and it comes every morning and evening by personal waiter service.
Once we've had our yummy food, we head outside to watch the birds. We have this huge scratching palace that some lovely person donated for us. It has some little tunnel for us to spy through, I mean what youngster wouldn't want a fortress to play around on and spy on the humans from?
It's getting rather late and our beds are calling. It's been a long day of playing in the fortress, playing dizzy aunties and hiding from storm monster that decided to throw lots of water down on the animal home today.
Don't forget to come and see us, Robert will check you out first then I'll come say hi.
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